Valley Gutter Inspection

As per the terms and conditions of a typical insurance policy

Don’t get to the point where you wish you had, contact us today and we will explain how easy, non-disruptive and cost efficient an Inspection is, have you checked the weather forecast lately !!!!

Insurance Policy Conditions?

Within the Conditions and the Endorsements of your buildings insurance policy there is the likelihood it will state that ‘the Valley Guttering of the insured building should be inspected annually’ or words to that effect.

It will state that a dated record of inspection is to be held and submitted to the insurer in the event of a claim, no ifs or buts!!

The problem is, often policyholders are not always aware of these policy conditions!!!

Valley Gutters are prone to becoming clogged and ‘unclear’ over time, and when heavy and/or prolonged rain falls they often simply cannot cope with the sheer volume of water.

This results in an overflow, causing damage to the fabric of the building, to valuable contents or stock etc stored within, plus a potentially disastrous impact on your ability to simply trade as normal.

If you were not aware, or chose not to be pro-active, you will not be able to provide evidence of the required Inspection and your Insurer will not deal with your claim, you will need to foot the bill of repair which inevitably will much more than the cost of an Inspection and possible maintenance!!

On the other hand, if you have had an inspection, you can simply email the details to your insurer and they will start the repair process returning your business back to normal with the minimum of disruption.